Earth-System Modeling – Explore

WCRP grand challenge on Sea-level rise and coastal impact Climate Observations / Climate Observations - Explore / Climate Services / Climate Services - Explore / Earth-System Modeling - Explore / Explore / PROJECTS / Projects & Initiatives - Climate Observations / Projects & Initiatives - Climate Services / Projects & Initiatives - Earth-System Modeling

WCRP has implemented the grand challenge on Sea-level rise and coastal impact to meet urgent societal needs for useful information on regional Sea Level rise. Goals are to improve our understanding of regional to local sea level variability; to promote advances in observing systems required for an integrated SL monitoring; and to foster the development of sea-level scenarios and projections for the benefits of coastal...

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APPLICATE Advanced Predictions in Polar regions and beyond: Modelling, observing system design and LInkages associated with a Changing Arctic climate Earth-System Modeling / Earth-System Modeling - Explore / Explore / PROJECTS / Projects & Initiatives - Earth-System Modeling

APPLICATE brings together an international and multidisciplinary team of experts in weather and climate prediction in order to improve climate and weather forecasting capacity and to provide guidance on the design of the future observing system in the Arctic.

Earth-System Modeling / Earth-System Modeling - Explore / Explore / Sources - Earth System Modeling

ENES was launched in 2001. Upon the establishment of the network and in the following years, several institutions including university departments, research centres, meteorological services, computer centres, and industrial partners, agreed to work together and cooperate (see Memorandum of Understanding) to discuss strategies to accelerate progress in climate and Earth system modelling and understanding. It is intended to be a portal for the climate modelling...

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Earth-System Modeling / Earth-System Modeling - Explore / Explore / Sources - Earth System Modeling

The objective of the CMIP is to better understand past, present and future climate changes arising from natural, unforced variability or in response to changes in radiative forcing in a multi-model context. This understanding includes assessments of model performance during the historical period and quantifications of the causes of the spread in future projections. Idealized experiments are also used to increase understanding of the model...

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Earth-System Modeling / Earth-System Modeling - Explore / Explore / Sources - Earth System Modeling

Climate4Impact is IS-ENES’s portal. It aims to support climate change impact modellers, impact and adaptation consultants, as well anyone else wanting to use climate change data. Climate4Impact offers access to data and visualizations of global climate models (GCM), regional climate models (RCM) and downscaled high resolution climate data. It provides data transformation tooling like indices calculations, downscaling, subsetting and regridding for tailoring data to your...

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Earth-System Modeling / Earth-System Modeling - Explore / Explore / Sources - Earth System Modeling

CLIPC provides access to climate information of direct relevance to a wide variety of users, from scientists to policy makers and private sector decision makers. Information will include data from satellite and in-situ observations, climate models and re-analyses, transformed data products to enable impacts assessments and climate change impact indicators. The platform will complement existing GMES/Copernicus pre-operational components, but will focus on datasets which provide...

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Earth-System Modeling / Earth-System Modeling - Explore / Explore / Sources - Earth System Modeling

ESGF is an international collaboration for the software that powers most global climate change research, notably assessments by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). ESGF manages the first-ever decentralized database for handling climate science data, with multiple petabytes of data at dozens of federated sites worldwide. It is recognized as the leading infrastructure for the management and access of large distributed data volumes for...

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Earth-System Modeling / Earth-System Modeling - Explore / Explore / Sources - Earth System Modeling

Earth system models (ESMS) are key tools to understanding climate change and its effects on society and are at the basis of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessment on future climate and EU policy on climate change. An overview of the European Earth System models involved in WCRP CMIP internationally-coordinated experiments, including links to the corresponding model descriptions and contact details, is available...

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